Thanks to grants from Avista Foundation, Sterling Savings Bank, US Bank, and Northwest Area Foundation, Framing Our Community held two 15 week Small Business Development Courses in Kamiah and Grangeville, ID in the Fall of 2010 and Winter of 2012.
The Small Business Development Course was designed to help individuals with solid business ideas that were ready to move forward and small businesses that wanted to grow.
Training sessions included: Entrepreneurship; Market Research; Competitors, Competition and Competitive Advantage; Marketing; Operations: Laws and Insurance; Operations: Tax, Suppliers, the Hired Help, Production Process and Capability, Professional Advisors, Financial Institutions; Funding; Financials: Personal Budget and net Worth; Costs and Pricing, Start Up and Cash Flow; Technology; and Business Plan Executive Summary and Polishing Your Presentation.
Group sessions included lecture material, workbook exercises, guest speakers, and classroom assistance. Upon completion, each graduate possessed a completed business and marketing plan and received one-on-one coaching sessions, tailored to their specific business.
The Small Business Development Center at Lewis-Clark State College is continuing with small business start-up and operation courses.